Monday, May 23, 2011

Classed Choropleth Map


Classed Choropleth Maps are basic choropleth maps that have been broken up further for more detail of statistical information. An example of this would be talking a map of the United States and adding the additional boundaries of counties to the already present state borders.

Bivariate choropleth maps

Bivariate choropleth maps are used to display two sets of data on the same map using predetermined boundaries such as borders of states and countries. Such as depicted in the map above, it shows the data from three criteria and allows for comparison.

Nominal area choropleth map


A Nominal area choropleth map used already predetermined boundaries to display data. These maps usually use shades of colors to display the value for the area. The map above uses the states boundaries to display income tax types for that area.

Continuously variable proportional circle map


This type of map uses circles in order to depict different values of specified date. The map above shows different size circles depending on the population of american indians in the area during 1990.



Isopach maps use circular connected regions in order to show the thickness or volume of a meteorological or geographical feature. Such as the image above is used to illustrate the volume of the amount of sediments that were disturbed on the ocean floor after an event.


Source :

An Isopleth map uses lines that are connect to form a circular shape with other circles within the other. These circles correspond to the the same value of a specific type of data. This allows for large scale mapping of densities as pictured in the map above, these maps are commonly used for weather forcasting.


Source :

A histogram show values of certain sets of data at a specific time. This type of graph uses bars at a different height to show the value for the specified data set. This graph pictured, shows the amount of population broken up into age groups.